Friday, 11 February 2011

Some other films that I have worked on x

So these are a few other short films that I have worked on in the last 2 years, this first one was a competition called the 48hours Zombie film challenge which is a London based organisation, basically you have 48 from start to hand in to create a short film about Zombies, you turn up at an chosen location at 9am to pick up your film theme, these are only found out on the day so the theme can be anything like horror, comedy, drama, documentary etc, luckily the team got comedy! once the team all got together we were off to our location.....this actually was a pub round the corner next to a massive park! the pub garden was the makeup HQ and me and my team of makeup artist (well two of my very close friends) got to work, Tracey and Gill, amazing girls and amazing makeup artist. Anyway here's what we did.

Here is a student film that I worked on back in May 2010, its wonderful and I also got to try my hand at a little bit of sound work, well I got to hold the pole with the mic on the end!

This is a project filmed in my second year by my extremely talent house mate Milly Clarke, the makeup was designed by her and executed by me and Chloe Fairclough (my other house mate who is also a makeup artist!


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